Vision Develop developments

We source and develop substantial, residentially-led schemes in and around London. We use a network of contacts to find and test opportunities. We add value to schemes through planning-gain, flair and imagination. We understand buyers and we know what sells. Vision Construct takes care of the construction on all our projects. We work closely with many of the biggest housing associations, both on Section 106 allocations and on fully social land and build projects.
Giles and Parma are proud to have never had to approach a lender for cost over-run. Our projects are on time and on budget. We aim to concentrate on larger new-build schemes with intelligent exit-strategies. We will seek areas where we see scope for affordability coupled with capital growth. In particular, we aim to take advantage of huge growth in the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and the opportunities that PRS brings to residential development in terms of joint ventures, forward-funding and de-risking. Our track record with leading Registered Social Providers and our ability to build substantial schemes at a competitive cost gives us a distinct advantage.