Waterside Places developments

Formed in 2002, Waterside Places specialises in regenerating waterside areas with intelligent design and a forward-thinking approach to urban renaissance. The Partnership, 50% of whose profits are invested back into Britain’s waterways, supports waterside regeneration across the UK.
Each of our developments presents an original environment in which we facilitate the growth of a thriving waterside community and we carefully plan the appropriate mix of residential, commercial and mixed-use developments, in response to the location. Our award-winning buildings are sympathetically designed to reference the history of each area and we are experienced in constructing new buildings and refurbishing existing buildings that will enhance the surrounding waterways.
50% of our profits are invested back into Britain’s waterways to ensure that the canals and rivers are maintained and conserved for future generations.
For each of our projects, we plan, build and manage every step of the process to ensure that environmental and green issues are at the heart of each place throughout its development.
Waterside Places invests time and resources in conserving the intrinsic qualities that are unique to a waterside setting which means that our developments offer a special point of difference where people can enjoy making their homes.