Westminster Community Homes developments

Building A Brighter Future For All
Westminster Community Homes (WCH) was incorporated in December 2009 as an Industrial and Provident Society (now Co-operative and Community Benefit Society) which is a company with charitable aims.
In December 2010 became a Registered Provider (RP).
WCH status has changed since last year as it moved from having an independent status and subsidiary of Westminster City Council (WCC), to being wholly controlled by WCC with effect from 2 May 2018.
WCH has 3 shares (1 held by WCC as a corporate body, 2 held by two individuals who are both WCC Officers who hold the shares in trust for the City Council). This is simply to comply with the Cooperative an Community Benefit Society rules that require any body to have a minimum of three separate shareholders. All members are nominated by WCC.
The amended rules which brought these changes into effect were registered by the Financial Conduct Authority on 2 May 2018.