The government launches new space standards for permitted development homes
Robert Jenrick, Housing Secretary, has announced that all new homes under Permitted Development Rights are now to meet the space standards.
These reforms aim to make up a new planning system by improving the living standards. The changes also address the issue of proper natural light at home.
For one-bedroom flats with a shower room the standard begins at 37m² of floorspace (39m² with a bathroom), providing enough living space for a single owner.
According to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), the changes were taken for the reason, that "minority of developers" were unfairly delivering small homes «without justification». It was also mentioned that homes delivered under permitted development rights showed "little difference in quality" in comparison to homes built using the planning application.
Over the past 4 years, approximately 60,000 homes have been delivered under permitted development rights, said MHCLG.
Housing Secretary said: “Permitted development rights are helping to deliver new homes and making an important contribution to our economic recovery from the pandemic, supporting our high streets by encouraging the regeneration of disused buildings and boosting our housing industry to safeguard the jobs of builders, plumbers and electricians.
“The pandemic has further highlighted the importance of having somewhere secure and comfortable to live. While most developers deliver good homes and do the right thing, I’m tackling the minority of developers abusing the system by announcing that new homes delivered will have to meet space standards.”